
This post is for the people who get yes as the answer for the following questions

1.Do you feel that you generate ideas more worthy than Albert Einstein when you were given a work to do and can’t figure out a way to finish of the thing?

2.Do you always get the urge to press the web browser when you have 3 more assignments to finish by tomorrow?

3.Do say to yourself that I’m going to work tomorrow though I didn’t do anything today so that you can sleep without any guilty conscious?

If the answer is yes to above questions then you are a crew member of the team ‘The great procrastinators in the world” who has the common objective to be “less useful” to the society.

Procrastination refers to the act of putting off actions or tasks to a later time thinking

“ahh I’m going to finish off the things tomorrow”.

The problem comes when that “Tomorrow never comes and you are left with heap of work on your table”.

At the face of it, you think

“I have heaps of work to do but look at me doing nothing singing like a bird flying all over the world. Wow what a life! Procrastination rules baby.”

But at the end provided that you are not ultra rich or you don’t have to earn your food for the your entire life this may work but at the end procrastination is going to left you with


•Sense of Guilty


Now if you get a feeling like

“Oh fishpaste , I have to finish that work but what the hell I’m doing reading this stupid blog ”.

Close the browser and start doing the work. If you can’t bet on your will power, put the following wallpaper on your browser which has amended a famous quotation “I’m going to stop procrastinating starting tomorrow” to

“I'm going work now so that I can start procrastinating staring tomorrow”

Download Wallpaper

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Charushi Panditharatne said...

soo true..but I'll think about my procrastination tomorrow;-)

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